Friday, November 6, 2009

Phone Photo Friday

This was Wednesday of this week. Care Bear outside at a local cafe. My cousin works from his laptop there and we aways go around and visit him. She prefers to be on the ground running arond these days, so it was much easier for her to explore outside than in. Miss Priss was in "school."
Tuesday at the park. It's been so pretty this week, we've been out of the house every single day{except today..i'm being lazy and cleaning} We only stayed about an hour, but the girls both seemed to have a good time. Care Bear is getting to the age where she wants to climb the steps to the slide and slide down on her own. EEK! Scares me to death.

She also loves the swings! Especially when Miss priss swings next to her and makes her laugh out loud.!

Here's a funny video from Care Bear's birthday. Remember it was the day I had to take her to the doctor for shots on her bday?! Poor girl. But she had a good time in the waiting room anyway. Ha! She cracks me up with the things she does.


Steph November 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM  

Those swing pictures are adorable!

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